A reply to another doubter who finds it incredible so many governments can consistently lie about COVID:
They ARE lying, they HAVE BEEN lying and CONTINUE to lie, about COVID-19 and these mRna experimental gene manipulations. -and WHY do they do that?
Because they are wildly profiting from these shots.
These stats here show you the shots MAKE YOU MORE susceptible to Covid-19.
Why else would 92% of these “excess” dead be triple vaccinated?
Like, the flu didn’t work so they make sure (SARS-C0V-2) kills you the next time you are exposed to COVID, by manipulating your body to become dangerously sensitive to the virus!
BTW, his own people at the time said the same thing you just did about Hitler and the National Socialist Party. People of their day said things like, “Why, this can’t be true, it is so incredulous! It has to be a lie.” Remember, I told you, I heard it, IN PERSON, from my own German grandmother’s mouth (step-mom’s mom)?
Heidi Emmert was a young woman during WW2. They, the German people, heard the rumors of the “labor” camps mass murdering Jews, but thought it had to be a lie, it was so incredibly different from what they were being told publicly. And then she said to me personally, with tears flowing down her face, that once they realized it WAS true, they were too afraid, too cowardly, to stand against the Nazis. “To our shame, we did NOT stop them.”
Well, some DID try; Christian men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer tried. Dietrich tried to peacefully protest, first, speaking against their warping the truth. Then, he refused to use the twisted Bible the Nazis demanded all Pastors in Germany use, the editing that tried to justify their genocide. And when Pastor Bonhoeffer realized just how evil they were, how evil Hitler personally was, he choseto then work to help assassinate him. Our “Oma” said they were so astonished at Hitler, some were sure he was the AntiChrist. Well, he was AN anti-Christ, for certain.
And even when Bonhoeffer was offered release from prison he refused, until all with him were released with him. It is said Hitler himself ordered Pastor Bonhoeffer’s death (rather than comply to this Christian’s conscience). The war was over not long after. If only more of his own people stood against the lies, Bonhoeffer could have lived, with (the) 13 MILLIONS of others the Nazis murdered.
And now I send you evidence of millions dying of these (multiple untested mRna injections) but you say can’t be true because you are fine?
You need to understand the evidence is coming out, stacking up, almost daily now, just how incredibly heinous our own installed government, the ones who STOLE the office of President, and many other offices, have been. Biden’s whole family has been personally profiting, money DIRECTLY from China, from a communist nation mind you, to say whatever they want him to say, and what to push for. Even President Trump is still deceived to believe these shots are, or ever were, safe.
Don is not perfect, and neither are you or I, but Biden is doing this all, many are doing all this evil, for personal profits, and to keep the UN Agenda 2021 hidden (now calleld agenda 2032). The evidence is there if you look.
This video you have dismissed is from an interview with a DOCTOR, many of them, in fact, saying the same thing, all who are doing the research to prove it, to stop it all, and to expose this evil agenda so commiserate of Hitler’s crimes. Why do you want to let yourselves be guinea pigs for a global experiment for (a) technology never tried before on humans, that testing on animals of these very shots have KILLED 100% of? WHY? And please stop believing you are fine because you got anything but saline: They KNOW who you are (the recipient is one of the most prolifically successful malpractice suit doctor defenders in the world). It has been reported many celebrities and people in power (with “influencers”) get faked COVID-19 vaccines, saline shots, so they will advocate for these injections, while not having any affects. But many others are dropping dead, “died suddenly” it’s called, S.A.D.S., Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. How pathetic, how EVIL.
No, this is all lies to foment a global genocide of the likes Dr. Mengele would have been delighted to be a part of. And history, if it is allowed to be honestly reported, will show this has all been a population reduction ploy by global elitists bent on enforcing the lies of eugenicists.
Like Margaret Sanger (the racist founder of Planned Parenthood who advocated clinics be built in black communities to murder black babies using abortion), these eugenicists that claim our planet has too many people to sustain: Nothing could be more false. I am glad the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed, the 10 commandments, in multiple languages, of the Global Mengeles.
I mean, the lies are SO pervasive now, about COVID related details, that even the medical experts, who SHOULD KNOW BETTER, repeat them! I got a call from Saint Luke’s hospital for an appointment for (our youngest son with epilepsy) to see his neurologist, where the automated message says “St Luke’s recommends unvaccinated wear a mask.” Since when can someone without a sickness make someone with the “cure” sick? If you know anything about viruses a mask cannot stop them, a virus is way too small. And yet, here they are, repeating the same lie (about COVID being so dangerous and the vaccines making you safe) this false government perpetuates, because they are TOLD TO NOT QUESTION THE LIE (just like the Nazis told their influencers to do).
Wake up, you are being deceived.
British MP Andrew Bridgen Confronts Parliament, Calls for an End to the Boosters http://bitchute.com/video/5r4SvM6YIuIK
Triple Vaccinated make up 92% of excess deaths