Aquila and Priscilla


Do you know the difference between these 3-C's?  It may not be as obvious as you think.  All have members and appear to fill voids in lives.  Some are deadly substitutes. 


First, to be part of "the Church" you must be one of God's chosen people.  "Born again" is not a cliché but actually is man's spirit being reborn.  It is not just a "new beginning."  Many people experience new beginnings without being "born again."  Many have had profound emotional experiences with God but are not "born again."  Others may have come to an intellectual appreciation of the "Christian Life" but are not "born again."  Only a few (the way is narrow with a strait gate), being drawn of the Father, fall under conviction of their sin as revealed by the Holy Spirit and surrender their will to Jesus as Lord.  They each receive a new spirit which hungers and thirsts after the Kingdom of God and rejects the pleasures of the world.  Those who are truly "born again," immediately become part of the Church and never have to join a church.


Despite the appearance of throwing down the gauntlet, this first test of the Church is the truth with no apologies.  If people are required to join a church or prefer the members of that church to any other people, it is unquestionably not THE Church.  The blood of Jesus Christ has done it all.  We become permanent parts of His Body by believing He is our Savior and nothing else.


Second, substitutes either ignore Jesus entirely or add to Him.  One cult focuses attention on the carnal mother of Jesus, another insists that laity cannot understand the Bible but must have the priests (pastors, ministers. etc.) explain what God "really" meant in the original Greek, Hebrew or whatever.  If the Holy Spirit is not able to teach believers His true meanings in His Word, at such time as He sees fit, what chance has any man to do better?  Again, the blood of Jesus has done it all.


Third, those involved in cults exercise control over members by use of punishment or reward and through fear generated in followers just by "who they are."  If you ever experience fear for no reason when in the presence of a church authority, you should find out why.  Authorities in the Body of Christ are humble servants who lead by example and not by edict.  While we might be convicted of sin by Godly authorities, that conviction will be for the purpose of confessing and repenting of the sin resulting in an outpouring of love and acceptance by the Lord.  Never will it be used as a tool or lever to control us.  Jesus is not a blackmailer, He's our redeemer.


Fourth, some cults concentrate on the Devil.  If you find yourself in an atmosphere of warfare with Satan rather than praise for the Lord, it might be time to seek fellowship elsewhere.  After all, Jesus truly defeated Satan, how could we improve on that?  The only thing we can do about Satan is to resist him and he WILL flee.  If someone suggests that we are to do more than that, he is questioning the total victory of Jesus upon the cross.


Fifth, substitute churches will use Bible verses out of context to prove the validity of their false doctrines.  Beware the ones who claim Bible inerrancy as a basic tenet of their group of believers. Although God did not err when He inspired the original scriptures, men do and men have translated the Bible between languages resulting in errors.  God scrambled the language of men at the Tower of Babel and no men will ever unscramble it.  Anyone who has ever studied a second language, especially of a very different culture, knows the fallacy of an exact translation.  Besides, when Jesus was asked what we might do to do the works of God, Jesus replied, "These are the works of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."  If one must believe what other men purport to be accurate in order to be saved, one is lost.  It is better to remain alone and trust the Holy Spirit to teach us what the Lord chooses, when He chooses.


Sixth, some substitutes function as a social club using the word Christian to make the group exclusive.  Members of a Christian social club rarely know Jesus Christ but merely know of Him. Rarely will they discuss the things of the Lord when not in a structured environment, i.e. a classroom where the topics will never include the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Seventh, cults will try to isolate followers from the rest of the world, friends, family and neighbors to the end of obtaining complete control over their lives.  The Jim Jones horror story is excellent testimony to the existence of such cults.  Most are not so extreme but exist just as certainly.


Eighth, there are new cults which use slick marketing techniques, worldly music at high volume and sometimes operate as franchises.  They cater to people who want to “belong” but find mainline churches too structured and without life.  Find out where the money goes, all of it.  Look for proprietors who own the assets.


There may well be other examples of cults and social clubs but the ones listed here cover the vast majority of those in this country.  If it appears that one or more of the above covers every place you have been which called itself a church, don't feel you're the one who is wrong.  Remember, narrow is the way and strait is the gate that leads to life, but the gate is wide and the way broad that leads to destruction. Many go that way as opposed to the few who find the gate to life.  Jesus made it clear that not all who call Him Lord are KNOWN by Him.  Do not mistake a church for the Church.  The Body of Christ is the Church and all who believe in their hearts that Jesus is the Redeemer sent by the Father are part of that Body.  Study God's Word for revelation, not intellectual inspiration and use it for exhortation rather than contention with the goal of loving one another into the Kingdom of God. The Apostle John said it best as he encouraged us as little children to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  You will know you are in the Body of Christ by their love one for another.  Keep searching while nurturing the love of Jesus in your heart.