Are you looking to boost your ratings?
Looking to pull in listeners from a wide range of backgrounds?
Book Creation Scientist Dr. Kent Hovind to Speak or Debate Today!
You’ve probably heard of Dr. Kent Hovind. He’s been on thousands of radio and TV shows, done almost as many debates, and now has several viral YouTube videos including, “Where Did God Come From,” which has received over 65 million views. He contends that the evolution theory being taught illegally at taxpayer expense is the dumbest, and most dangerous, religious cult in the history of the world; and those are the nice things he says about it. He offers to debate ANYONE on the topic, and will answer any questions.
You can also bring Kent Hovind on to discuss the latest news topics related to evolution, such as the discovery of “millions of year old” fossils, and the obviously blatant lies being taught at taxpayer expense in our high school and college textbooks to this day.
Any recent news article on evolution needs a competent, educated speaker, who can crush it, with one stone. Kent Hovind is a must have speaker, who explains in simple language we can all understand.
Our colleges and universities are under attack, by The Lie. A deception so pervasive it is eating away the very foundation of our country, causing the degradation of society, creating the amoral code of absolute denial, a non-consideration that God could even exist. As an example, recent news stories of kids who cause mass shootings, is rooted in the evolutionary theory that God does NOT exist, that we are all evolved, and that we need to evolve faster and quicker. Kids who pledge allegiance to Hitler’s darwinist theory, and then cause mass shootings on Hitler’s birthday. Many of them, including the El Paso shooter, wear t-shirts that say, “There is NO God,” is all rooted in the fundamental teachings of evolution that God be kept out of the discussion, with the insistence there is no God.
You will NOT hear the truth on the media; We need someone to shake things up. God gifts Kent with the ability to understand, comprehend, and explain away the dumb theory of evolution in the simplest of terms.
Kent is a must have for any topic on the discussion of evolution today…
Boost your ratings, reach lost souls, and start a discussion today!!!
His 3 main objectives are:
To strengthen the believer’s faith in the trustworthiness of the Word of God.
To equip the saints to give an answer to the lies our children are being taught in school, which are causing them to doubt the Bible, and some to walk away from the faith.
To teach as many souls as possible to have an unshakable faith in an all-powerful Creator and Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Popular formats include:
Question and answer sessions, especially on the latest news and “evolutionary” findings…
Debate with atheists or evolutionists
Topical presentations on the science and Scriptural reasons why it matters very much that we believe creation over evolution.
For further information or to schedule a booking, reach out to John Heffner, who is working with Kent Hovind on this…
(469) 248-8680
Please subscribe, and visit “Kent Hovind Official” YouTube channel.
Visit Dinosaur Adventure Land, @DAL, in Lenox, AL, a fun adventure park for kids and adults alike, with lots of indoor and outdoor science exhibits, and where the 6 days of creation are taught.
Below are links to recent news articles to give you some ideas for debate…
“54 Million Year Old Fossil” Discovered Will Answer Questions! (from 2 days ago):
ButterflyNet: AI Validates First Mathematical Model of Evolution (2 days ago)
The theory of Mullerian mimicry is the oldest mathematical model of evolution:
This Robotic Tail Gives Humans Key Abilities that Evolution Took Away (4 days ago):
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey’s New Trailer Emphasizes Crafting Your Own Evolutionary Story (14 Hours Ago):
A great Google search topic,
“the most ridiculous claims of evolution”
Lots of news articles from Science Daily, plenty of interesting topics for questions here…