Missouri Promises To ‘Fight Tooth And Nail’ To Defend Gun Rights After Biden Admin Threats
…demand a written answer as to why they refuse to defend your constitutionally defending, God-given human rights…
The Biden administration has been reported by the Daily Wire to be THREATENING states defending the second amendment rights of citizens, REFUSING the federal overreach of our Second Amendment rights in their states:
Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton sent a letter to Parson and Schmitt Wednesday night warning about enforcing the state law and superseding federal gun control laws. Boynton noted that the Missouri law may cost the state from receiving continued federal aid and assistance, according to The Associated Press (“governor signed a bill last week that bans police from enforcing federal gun rules”)
This is the kind of tyranny that requires the right kind of response, like moving to the state that protects you, or calling your state representatives to demand a written answer as to why they refuse to defend your constitutionally defending, God-given human rights, like defending oneself against oppression.
Psa_82:3 WEB “Defend the weak, the poor, and the fatherless. Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.”
As I’ve said many times, God requires His children to defend the oppressed, the fatherless, and those too weak to do so for themselves; One of those means is to stand against an oppressive government by whatever means God grants you peace to accomplish.
God bless this nation and keep it free,