For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2Timothy 1:7
Those I have known in my life (MANY) that have claimed to be, or bought in to being, “bi-polar” take drugs, regularly go to hospitals and ‘shrinks’, never get any better than a temporary fix, never, ever get healed, without Jesus. Not one of those I have known have ever been anything more than just a Sinner, needing THE Savior. Yes, some DO INDEED need medication for a physical defect in their brains, but none I have known had anything wrong that Jesus could not remedy, while entirely too many take drugs for the wrong reasons.
Let me say that again:
NOT ONE PERSON I have EVER known, who Doctors claimed to have mental or emotional issues, had problems Jesus could not heal permanently.
I make it a point to ask these victims of God denying medical fraud the question,
“Are you actually ‘bi-polar’ like these doctors try to tell you, or are you actually just a sinner refusing to completely surrender to Jesus?”
There is no hole that is SO deep that God cannot rescue you from.
MANY will take exception… I understand, I sympathize. You don’t want the responsibility; You have not yet come to the END of your self.
But, you may want to consider where that end will lead you, should you resist further!
Now, just in case you doubt me, let’s turn to Earl Jabay, a former 30+ year chaplain of a psych hospital in NJ. Mr. Jabay wrote that he had not EVER met a patient in his clinic who, after long personal evaluation, had not proven to be merely consummately selfish. His conclusion was that they had resisted the Will of God for them to surrender for SO long that their minds had finally broken under the stress they themselves had caused. But even there, even in such dire situations, Jesus can and did heal many, of those who gave up finally. Sadly, most did not.
Narrow is the Way that leads to life…
Psychology and psychiatry are both polar ends of man’s attempts in explaining, without God, what only God can explain, in His Bible.
Your ONLY HOPE, and I say this without the slightest hesitation, your ONLY Hope, is to surrender to Jesus, wholly, and utterly, as both Savior and Sovereign; God promises a sound mind to all who come to Him.
“and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Meditate on These Things” Philippians 4:7 NKJV
Patrick Burwell
Patrick Burwell
Evangelistic Missionary Ministries
Ordained and licensed Minister of the General Assembly Evangelistic Association
Bishop Jerry Dombroski can be reached at 740-937-9801