CDC Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Info Request

Thank you for contacting CDC-INFO.  We hope you find the following information about 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) helpful. Anytime a new respiratory virus emerges, it is a cause for concern. The risk from these outbreaks depends on characteristics of the virus, including how well it spreads…

God Save India From Democracy on “Happy Republic Day” January 27

I see India nationals know their nation is a Republic, calling their Independence holiday “National Republic Day”. It is TRULY shocking to me how many citizens of the USA think we are a DEMOCRACY. We are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy, and so is…

New Age Bible Versions Tract-

Dr Gail Riplinger’s New Age Bible Version Tract – A must-have resource for every serious Christian. Every Believer will run into the problem of what Bible translation to use. Which translation is good; Which translation is accurate; Which translations are just corrupt, never to be…