Too Distracted to LIVE

If you cannot be responsible you will pay (Rom 1:18).
The same can be said for every other part of our lives too. YOU are, after all, responsible before your fellow man, and God HIMSELF, for EVERYTHING you do.

SantaRosa-DistractedDriverTexting-2killedIn a social media post* an accident occurred in Santa Rosa California, in the USA, when a truck driver was too distracted by his cell phone to see the traffic had stopped ahead of him. Two passengers died as he rear-ended their vehicle.
There was no reason for these people to die.

I have had that happen, being hit by a driver texting, but I survived. A painting contractor was looking at his cell phone, while exiting the highway in New Jersey, and rear ended my truck SO HARD his service truck separated the cab from the frame of my Toyota truck. I thank God I had after-market bumpers that bolted to the frame, or I would have died easily – But I lived instead.

It’s not what the distraction is that matters but that you are being distracted

Cell phones are VERY distracting, but so are many other things. I once saw a guy hit a brick wall because he was smoking. I’ve been in an accident when I was so scared, so distracted by fear, I didn’t see the dip in the driveway and bottomed out my car, totalling it. If you cannot be responsible when you drive you will pay, one way or the other.

RESPONSIBILITY is the issue, not the distraction

TerribleCrashI got a ticket that taught me to drive the speed limit exactly, from now on, regardless of what anyone else does, because I was too distracted to see the construction speed limit sign, even though no construction was going on. The ticket cost me $190 USD, and 4 points on my license.
I was angry, but I lived, I learned…

I didn’t blame the distraction

When someone dies, people very often jump to false conclusions. “It’s the cell phone’s fault!”, they say. No, no it’s not. I have personally had to hold the brains together, the BRAINS, of a man, so he could say goodbye to his wife. The CBS executive had been too distracted, while walking over 6th avenue, to see the cab barrelling down at him, until it was too late. The UPS truck going the other way took his shoes right off and threw him 50 feet across the road in front of me. He was walking, not driving, distracted… and he met God 10 minutes after he stepped off the curb.
Should we ban cabs now, or just walking?

The problem is our sin.

th_partnersinprayer[1]We don’t need to die.
We are all so self-involved, so busy sinning, against ourselves, our neighbors and our Creator, that we are not paying attention to that cliff up ahead; We don’t see the danger, until it’s too late to avoid Death. We are headed for a well deserved payment of Hell, eternal death, because most of us, the VAST MAJORITY OF US, are too distracted by our lives, our sinning, to avoid this danger, this “Second Death”:

But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” ” -God, Revelation 21:8 (WEB)
Read more:

When we lie, we become liars, by violating the 9th Commandment.
When we lust, we hurt ourselves, others and God Himself, violating His 7th Commandment. Jesus said this Himself in Matthew 5.
When we Blaspheme, swearing by using God
‘s Name, we become Blasphemers, breaking the 3rd Rule of God. And God will not hold blameless those who Blaspheme His Name!
God didn’t make the Rules so we could just run right through them, there is a PRICE to pay when we sin, one way or the other...


When we sin, break “the rules”, we deserve God’s Anger:

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known of God is revealed in them, for God revealed it to them. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse. Because, knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”
Romans 1:18-22 (WEB)

But God desires to rescue us! 2000 years ago Jesus paid the price for our breaking the rules, Jesus loves us THAT much. Someone MUST pay, will you require it to be YOU?
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God, in Him!
Isn’t about time you listened to what God is saying to you? Or Are you too distracted TO LIVE?

You must Trust in the One and ONLY Savior He has provided to pay for your crimes; You must Trust Jesus.

Take the following test, at the link below, and see where you fail, what you must do to be right with your Creator:

For Now, therefore, there is NO OTHER NAME, given to men, whereby he must be saved…
Only Jesus Saves.

Patrick Burwell
*1st picture – KTVU, California