The question was what Tribulation Theory is right?
From Kevin R. Sauter
Our answer:
FROM OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
“A”. We are all in “tribulation” being Christians, but being Christians we are free from His Wrath, always. So none of those arguments are the point. The issue is what the 7 Years of Tribulation are; The Bible calls them the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jacob is Israel who has not surrendered to Jesus, Godless Jews. We are not “Jacob”, those who are His. This 7 years of Trouble, called the Tribulation, are to try those who are Godless Jews, not Christians, so we are not going through that. So the answer is pre-trib. Simple, logical understanding.
From Anne Freeman:
Nope. Whoever is alive will go through the time of trouble, until the 2nd coming happens and the dead in Christ are resurrected first followed by those who are alive and remain. Those who are not saved will be killed by the sheer brightness of Christ’s coming and there will be no one left to bury the dead. Straight from the Bible itself
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OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries to Anne Freeman –
You are making the same mistake I did before a Pastor showed me the error. You are confusing TWO events: The Rapture and the Day of the Lord’s Wrath. One is Jesus bringing us out (like the Ark in Noah’s flood) and then Jacob’s trouble happens. AFTER the 7 years the millennium begins when Jesus returns IN PERSON, where Jesus then strolls into Jerusalem and DEMONSTRATES to the world how to rule properly. After the thousand years Jesus lets Satan out, and all his minions with him, and the final battle happens, and everything is destroyed. THEN the Great White Throne Judgment occurs, where all justice is settled..
THEN the new heavens and the new earth are made and all who love Jesus live there in peace.
Communicate to us here, if you need further explanations here (Comment below).
BUT FIRST watch John MacArthur explaining the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view…