‘We have a gay child. We love them and we don’t want to kick them out. How do we go forward?'”
How is this so hard to grasp for so many professing Christ?
Sexual deviance, no matter what direction it is in, is SIN. Shall we say something is wrong just because your child, tragically, rejects it?
We grieve for your l;oss, but ask yourself what you would do with your child if they liked having sex with animals. YOU WOULD GET THEM HELP, Right?! But would you love them LESS?
Of course not.
If they ended their own lives because you wouldn’t let them continue in their bestiality, would you now say the Bible MUST be wrong? You know not. then why is this different because their sin is homosexual?
Adults, even young adults, have to make their choices and live with the results.
I know of a God-Honoring, Christian family with a son that lies through his teeth, about EVERYTHING, at every chance he gets. He’s now an adult, and all they can do is pray for him and love him, but they know they cannot let him think his lies are okay in ANY way. His lying has repercussions and they let him feel them.
“If I can’t change my (sexual sin committing) kid into being a straight Christian, then what?” Well, change the words “sexual sin committing” into “murderous” and you have your answer don’t you? After all, since when is a Christian a “straight” Christian? Are they Murderous Christians? See the problem? The very definition you are using implies there is ANYTHING ELSE BUT a “straight” Christian.
Let me help you understand the problem with this illustration:
A married man is at a seminar, far away from home. He’s bored afterwards so he decides to go to a bar, already doing something he knows he shouldn’t do. But he consoles himself with the self-deception that he never did like all that “religious stuff” his wife drags him to, so he’s just doing what “comes natural.” He is drinking his first glass of beer when a beautiful, scantily clad woman offers to buy him another round. With a knowing nod the bartender gets him his next glass and at the first sip… the very next thing he is aware of is waking up… in a tub of ICE in a seedy hotel room, NAKED. There is a conspicuous sign on a phone next to the tub he is in that says, “Don’t move! Call 911!”
As he dials the police he notices a tube sticking out of his side and the dispatcher informs him he has been yet another victim of an illegal kidney harvesting ring they’d been getting allot of calls about in the area. He starts to sob as they tell him to wait for the ambulance.
You can love your family with all your heart, but Jesus loves them more than you EVER will. And yet He still lets them suffer the consequences of their choices, doesn’t he?
Raise your children, pray for them, be the best example you know you can be. Struggle on your KNEES for God to make you a good parent…
And then know that THEY must choose in the end.
But, never, ever, seek to compromise the Bible for someone you love living in rebellion to what God says.
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries