Believer: Some truths about addiction you need to understand to overcome
“not only will He rescue you from the fear of death, the knowledge of your sin’s payment being Hell, YHWH will rescue you FROM YOU.”

If you have entrusted your sin’s punishment and self to Jesus then these apply:
- Your addiction can be overcome
- You are not a slave to addiction
- You will not always be addicted
To the Lost, addiction is enslavement, addiction cannot be overcome and they have no hope of ever not being addicted. Of course we know they can be free indeed, of ANY addiction, in Christ; God is in the rescue business. And not only will He rescue you from the fear of death, the knowledge of your sin’s payment being Hell, YHWH will rescue you FROM YOU.
Do you have hope? Yes, but that hope, if placed in anything else, any ONE else, will utterly fail, and that definitely includes yourself.
Only Jesus saves, only He can empower you to not only say NO to your addiction, He will work through the struggle with you..
Every one of us has an addiction, baggage we brought in to this relationship with Y’Shua, Jesus. He is not surprised, worried or unable to walk you through this.;
Just remember, if at any time you are unable, or He believes you are beyond your capability, He always has the option of removing you from the temptation.
I know many Believers that are no longer here who struggled, but God needs WARRIORS who will learn to overcome HERE and NOW, for the time to come.
Patrick Burwell,