Free or Victim?

“What does a government do once it has disarmed it’s citizens? Anything it wants”

cowardice is a sin

This is exactly true. Look to all the historical examples, even recently like in Australia, to know it is a fact that an unprotected peoples eventually become victims to their own government.
We would not have a nation of free peoples if Christians did not understand this fact and do what was needed for their families to be free, and by extension rescue everyone else that wanted freedom from oppression.
The Christians in this land, all who wanted to be free, had stood up and said, “No more”, and so we have done so again, in this last election cycle. And now we are seeing just how badly the bullies in our own government have been acting, the fraud and theft being exposed.
No ONE should be apologizing for making right what had been made wrong, none should be sorry for showing that what was meant for good had been being used for the benefit of only a few elitists. Remember, ‘democracy’ is communism, as Lenin and Stalin claimed to want, we do not want to be oppressed by a manipulated majority. We live in a Constitutional Republic and have taken back, are still taking back, our nation, one free election at a time.
We operate literally under what God has set out as rules for Christian living, as did our Founders. And one of those very important rules that SO MANY have tried to cover over as too prideful for Christians to be a part of, is to protect those who need protecting. To dare to say that a Christian should only pick up the pieces after a people are run roughshod over by an oppressive government, to not work to stop the oppression before the damage is completed; To expect we should not stop the molestation by however means these bullies require to BE stopped, is beyond arrogance and even cowardice.
And remember, cowardice is a sin.
We stand with ANY who would put The Creator’s Standards first as the rule of the land: Namely to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to do right by our neighbor.
All else is window dressing for oppression.
-Patrick Burwell, Ministries

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