Worried God will Reject You?

A certain fearful looking

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Galatians 6:7-8 KJV

Let me ask you, do verses like these keep you up at night? Are you afraid that you’re going to get to the end and God’s going to go, “Nope, sorry, you blew it!” Seriously?  I am very glad to say that Faust was a fairy tale. and to tell you God doesn’t work that way. God’s Judgment was satisfied by the Sacrifice you trusted in.

You only have God’s love to contend with.

Verses Galatians 6:7-8 are dangerous taken out of context. That’s why so many people run astray, reading such things. Without reading the whole discourse a verse resides in, you get the wrong message entirely.

Do you really think your Salvation, God’s Gracious mercy, is tied up in how well you keep it? Really? This is God we are talking about, right? The One who Loves the world SO much He gave up His only begotten Son to set us free of the Law of Sin and Death? No, that doesn’t sound like Him does it?

Jesus bled His Own Blood to pay for your sins. So how then can you now think you can earn God’s Forgiveness; that you must now pay for it somehow? That is not only wrong it’s insulting God Himself!

Think about it this way…

My brother takes a bullet for you and dies. And you come to me with a cake at his funeral to try and pay for his sacrifice.
                           You know how that would make me feel.

We do this though, don’t we? Out of some sense of guilt, we think we must now BE GOOD, though we couldn’t before, and then when we find we cannot, or that our motives were evil in our doing, we think we are done because now, well now God can’t possibly want me… Not NOW. Right? But that’s just buying cake again. No, Believer, God LOVES you, me. He desires us to be FREE of the fear, and not just the Judgment, we have EARNED; Still earn. He wants us to let Him make us like Him… GOOD. Remember, if you could have you would have.

God’s love for us is so great He came to earth, became a man, lived our life, and died in our place. And he did it all to rescue us, in every sense of the word. EVERY single sense of that word “RESCUE”.

So LET Him.
And stop reading verses out by themselves. Read before and after and then read the whole letter/book it was in. I find it easier to grasp when I listen to the Bible read. Try www.AudioTreasure.com for a free resource for that.

God loves His own, those who have entrusted themselves to His care.
So do that… Trust Him.

And when you blow it remember that John wrote:

1 John 1:9 (KJV)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The context of that verse is to Believers in How to live this Christian life.
Again… context.

Be at Peace.
Until His return,
