– Take a look…
The Temple Mount is to the RIGHT of Israel’s Temple above…
The Holy of Holies is down and to the left here above.
Do you see what I see? I see the Dome of the Rock in the Court of the Gentiles.
Doesn’t THAT mean the Third Temple can be built 10 feet from the west wall of the Muslim’s idolatrous Dome? I mean, we all understand the agenda of the Muslim is total world dominance under Shariah, with the simultaneous murder of every man, woman and child who refuses their demon god (Surrah 9:5). But, hey, let’s appease them a bit more, right? Well, guess what?
They lose, Jesus wins.
The ONLY PEACE a Muslim will ever have from their works-righteousness system, that causes them SUCH PAIN, is to utterly reject Islam and turn to Jesus, the ONLY ONE who paid the price for their sins.
And not just Muslims, either. If you, reader, have ever lied, stolen or lusted, even once then you are guilty, what the God of the Bible calls a “Sinner”, and you need someone else to pay your fine. See, it’s like this, if you stand before a Judge guilty and you have someone stand and offer to pay your fine, the Judge will ask you one question before he will let you go. Do you know what the question is? Will you let him pay for your fine?
WILL you LET Jesus pay your fine?
Hell is a VERY real, very horrible, place. In fact, there is never ANYTHING someone goes through that will be worse than what awaits those who reject God’s mercy and INSIST on their Just sentence of Hell, eternal. The Judge decides your sentence, regardless of what you think. And God decision is final. but Jesus is SO GRACIOUS He has warned you IN ADVANCE. in fact, the judge HIMSELF stepped down off his place of Judgment and paid your fine for you, He cares for you THAT MUCH.
So…? Will you let Jesus rescue you from what you deserve, to live an eternity of Peace and safety HE EARNED FOR YOU?
You don’t have to do anything weird, or “religious”. Just talk to God. The REAL God, the God the Bible tells you about, the God who ACTUALLY MADE YOU. He knows who He is, so just speak, He will hear. Be Honest with Him, with yourself. You can do this this ANYWHERE you are, in your own mind. Tell Jesus how sorry you are for what you have done. ASK for Him to save you, as you tell Him you trust in him, and HE WILL. And then trust in His Promise of SALVATION for the rest of your days. Jesus is the Saviour, He will do what He says. Then read the Bible, do what it says, and rejoice in your rescue.
Start with the Book of John and Psalm 51.
But if you do not, know this: TODAY is the day you must choose. THIS MOMENT. Because you have no way of knowing you will be alive the next moment, the next day. You don;t even know if you will understand tomorrow as clearly as you do now. God says the devil will do his best to steal what you have learned from you before you can make your choice. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN. TRUST Jesus N O W, or take the risk you will die without Jesus, and have to face God’s Holy Judgement KNOWING you are guilty.
The Third Temple may be able to be built without offending the Muslims. But they worship a false god now anyway, so it matters very little. Both the Jews who reject Jesus as Messiah, and the Muslims who don’t know God at all, are committing idol worship, making God to be what THEY want Him to be, instead of accepting Him for WHO HE IS: YHWH
I could go on, and on, but let me finish here with this:
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE with what you do with Jesus, and what you do with your sins, your crimes against God, the CREATOR.
It’s all in your hands now… C HO O S E. But no matter what happens in Jerusalem…
Jesus WINS
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
Update… February 23, 2015
Apparently someone else agrees and WND published their article:
“But what if history got it wrong? What if the spot where Solomon built the first Jewish Temple, and Herod built the second, was actually about 600 feet to the south, in a place known as the ancient City of David?
Read more at Prayers to God in wrong spot?