Other than the unBiblical, “tighten your parachute straps”, comment at the end, this video is a very accurate presentation of the Gospel. https://youtu.be/7BW_V6ul65s
That whole comment about tightening your parachute straps is Works-Righteousness, trying to be good enough for God. “Oh my, am I holding on tightly enough, will Jesus forgive me if I let go, or I don’t hold on as tightly as I should?” That’s nonsense, because those who have trusted themselves to the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross for them now have a propitiation when they sin again. But from an evangelist, in an evangelism moment, this is not something to bring up, because to the world its license; The unGodly will run with it and justify all manner of sin. But we know when you trust yourself to Jesus He puts His Holy Spirit in you and it is Jesus Himself Who keeps you. And, it is Jesus Who brought you back to where you should be when you fail, Christian. Jesus holds you in every way, no “tightening” on your part is needed for Salvation. Indeed, though, “tightening up your parachute straps”, so to speak, is ,to the Believer, seeing yourself in truth, again; To the Lost, hearing The Truth, for the first time.
I hate man-made religion.
I have never despised anything more in my entire life.
Religion told me, “Pull up your bootstraps!”, and now says, “Tighten up your parachute straps!” Religion told me, “You have to be good enough! TRY HARDER, HARDER, HARDER!!!”. I have lived a life of pain and sorrow from the ridiculous choices I was told were the best ways to be happy, but I have never BEEN happy, never had ANY peace, never have been comforted, UNTIL I began with being honest with myself (The FEAR of God is the BEGINNING of Wisdom).
I am NOT a good person.
I am NOT a nice person.
I am not even a DECENT person.
No, God is Right, I deserve His ANGER.
Let God be True and all others liars.
Man’s false religion never tells you this, never let’s you be honest enough to repent, never wants you to know what you are, so God can then be merciful to you. God resists the proud, arrogant heart, but, when you humble YOURSELF, agree with God who you are, and what you really do deserve, then… then!… He can be Compassionate, Gracious, Loving… but and ONLY then.
Yes, many in the world suffer right-minded guilt, saying they don’t deserve God’s Mercy, but the Religious say so as if they are saying something bad, or encourage you to cut yourself in submission to their Godless rule, to nail yourself to a cross of condemnation to try and deserve God’s love. NOTHING is more EVIL. Because it is a wonderful, JOYOUS, revelation when you know that you are not deserving, that your heart is desperately wicked -AND ALSO that you can’t do ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
Only God can save you. only Jesus was sent; Only Jesus saves.
Read of God’s loving Mercy in Christ’s Birth: He SENT US A MESSIAH!
But here, in this world, the evil, despicable Liar STILL tells us that, “You can be like God, knowing good and evil!” This Lie is nothing more than The First Lie he told, only now repeated in pastel sweetness and stately robes of gold and ceremony.
The LIE is still A LIE.
YOU ARE NOT a good person, you can never be anything better, of and by yourself; YOU MUST BE REDONE. And God must do this, as Jesus Himself said…
“You must be born again…”
False Religion is a lie that man gladly repeats but only God’s mercy overcomes, if you will but let Him. God’s definition of real religion is simply…
“…to do justly and love mercy…”
Yes, I HATE man invented religion, but I love, with all my soul, God’s Only begotten Son, Jesus.
HE ALONE is worthy of Glory, and Honor, and Praise!
Jesus paid my PRICE on the Cross.
Jesus took my SHAME.
HE was struck in the face, when I deserved the beating.
Jesus was made the Curse that I had earned.
Jesus, the One and Only Christ, is my Messiah, and In HIM alone am I freed from my sin’s payment.
In Jesus I am FINALLY, fully and utterly at PEACE. Praise God from whom all blessings flow…
So, my dear reader, know this: All of man’s religions can never do a thing but make you more evil, more deserving of the Hell God will throw you into on Judgment Day…
But GOD’s forgiveness, found in Jesus Alone, which alone can free you…
…F O R E V E R.
Thank you Father for your word, your promises, the Bible, and your Word, Jesus, to Whom the Bible points us to.Thank you Jesus for saving me. I will try and live worthy, for that my friends is the right order.
Patrick Burwell