What would the Department of Justice do if a Christian organization pulled the same nonsense an “LGBT” group did?
A (USA) Department of Justice memo to managers instructs them to affirm aberrant, immoral behavior; Orders DOJ managers to advocate for Sinful behavior, instead of adress that behaviour as wrong!
We all must have a thorough understanding of what God expects of us in the workplace. When we don’t, we will pay, dearly… trust me.
The rules are easy…
A friend once told me that we have two rules while we are here on this earth:
1. Make Jesus known.
2. Make him look good.
Everywhere we go we should make Jesus known. And when we cannot, like in our workplaces, we should always make Him look good.
To be the very best employee we can be, is our second greatest ministry.
When man is at peace with God, he will be at peace with all men…
…Or at least as long as it depends upon him to be so. Unless, of course, he is a doof like me. PLEASE learn from my mistakes, okay???
After years of going from job to job, career to career, I am happy to say my old friend is exactly correct. The last job I lost to “making Jesus known”, thinking that was more important than doing my job, where doing so didn’t, “make Him look good”.
I’ve lost a job as a cab driver, lab tech, carpet cleaning work, and, lastly, as a Vice President of a Global Technology Company. That environment was one where ‘anyone could talk about anything’, supposedly. There was a Hindu Priest and a JW District leader; There was a secular humanist, and many hedonists; Roman Catholics and false Christians as well! And they all talked about everything at any time! But as soon as I brought up Jesus, really spoke about Him, and on what His Father expects of us all, when they brought up their nonsensical world views, I was reprimanded, THREE TIMES.
I was eventually called in front of the corporate HR Director, with my boss in tow, and even the departmental SVP! I had apparently made quite an enemy of my Godless supervisor. After the HR Director claimed he could manage to keep Jesus out of his workplace, he asked me why I couldn’t manage that as well? He is a Roman Catholic, so, I essentially remarked that being a Jesus Follower is who I am; He goes where I go… and that I was sorry the Director didn’t have that relationship. I then said to him, “I just have one question…” I paused for effect, waiting for him to ask, “What is it?” I then looked right at my supervisor, Paul Lockwood, the Godless Catholic who had such trouble with the “Jesus
talk” that he was trying to get me fired for it, and I asked the HR Director, “Is there a pre-requisite of Atheism to be employed here?” The HR Director hesitated, as I could tell he was trying to come up with a better answer,
but he finally just said, defeated, “No.”… and the conference was over. I was told the rest of the company would get training on what is appropriate conversation in the workplace, and I was asked to confine my Jesus Talk to lunchtimes, or after work.
The HR Director was “retired” not long after.
The training never happened, so I ignored their request. My co-workers talked about whatever trash they wanted, so I talked about Jesus! The gauntlet had been thrown down, and I wasn’t very keen on backing down by then.
I was fully within my “rights” but I had been wrong…
I should have been working to “Make Jesus look good” instead. Lesson learned.
I consulted with the Christian Law Association about what I should do afterwards and they told me I could sue if I wanted. But they advised me that the common tactic was to find another reason to let Christians go that were, “Causing trouble.” As it was
I should have sued for discrimination, because less than a year later I was let go when they “laid off” forty people, all in the same week. “Financial difficulties” was their claimed reason, yet their CEO managed to buy a 13.5 MILLION dollar apartment overlooking Central Park in NY City. What I find amusing is that he was removed from the board shortly after
I left. Reaping and sowing and all that…
I was out of work for quite some time after that, though. And, I found, as long as my Facebook account was public I was shunned for IT work. On a friend’s suggestion I secured it to only my list of friends and “voila!” I got hired!
The United States of America has gotten so anti-Christ, and thus so anti-Christian, that any person that even resembles a real Christian doesn’t even get hired.
Just search the internet for one week and you’ll be reading allot of stories of Christian persecution.
The Internet is rife with similar, and far worse, stories of Christians suffering for His name’s sake, even in the USA; the world has lost its mind.
Private business owners are being fined and their livelihoods by perverse Judges for not giving sexual deviates services, Pastors are being fined for speaking the truth from the Bible, all while the Bible and Jesus Talk is classified as ‘Hate Speech’ in Canada, and by HR managers in the USA. Just search the internet for one week and you’ll be reading allot of stories of Christian persecution.
Christians are even being slapped with ‘disorderly conduct’ charges for preaching outside sex clubs!
It’s getting so bad here in the USA that soon we will have to start using codes to identify each other!
When Jesus returns we will all be safe and secure, but what do we do until then? How do we navigate this mine-field of persecution that is becoming more and more prevalent in America?
Participate in His Suffering.
In as much as it depends upon us, for as long as we can, we are to be at peace with all men; To “make Jesus look good”. But, when the glove is thrown down, preach long, and hard, and LOUD. Youre gonna go down anyway, may as well go down preaching Jesus.
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com