American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY?
In the article on entitled “Prejean will retain crown” the author missed the blatantly obvious point that so many professing Christianity here in the USA have, apparently willingly, chosen to ignore as well:
Miss Prejean is not representative of Christianity.
Carrie Prejean is a beauty pageant (read ‘flesh pageant’) contestant.
No Christian woman should, or would, participate in such nonsense. Could you ever picture Elizabeth Gren (Elliot) in her twenties doing such a thing? No, no way.
Yes, Carrie’s comments were her opinion, and yes she is fully within her rights to make those comments. If she had said otherwise I would still say she has the right to speak her mind. The idea she is in a pageant that is being judged by a deviant should have tipped her off she was in the wrong place, if she is indeed a Christian. We can let the tree demonstrate it’s fruit.
The dissembling tactics of professing Christians in the media, even on LibertyLive! on, over this issue was beyond belief!!!
The response of the bloggers during the webcast was indicative of the problems with discernment in the Church today. Or maybe it just shows the issue is deeper.
I think Paul Washer hit the mark on what that the problem is.
But trying to distract from what the point of “conservative” Christians was, that Prejean is not a representative of Christianity precisely because she was on that pageant stage in a bikini; What the LibertyLive newscasters did was to ignore that fact and focus on a few comments about her pictures made when she was 17 years old! That wasn’t the point AT ALL, and YOU GUYS KNOW IT. A Christian doesn’t act like the world… Watch the video.
Miss Prejean was not pure in her actions and should be publically reprimanded by her Pastorate for parading herself scantily clad on the stage of a secular beauty pageant. The controversy should have been when she refused to wear that bikini and was excused from the pageant. THAT is what Christians should have been applauding her for; What LibertyLive bloggers should have been expecting of her.
Now let me make myself clear here:
Miss Prejean, you are to be commended for standing on your convictions. Well done.
Now let’s let my wife talk to you about why you felt it was ok for a Christian to be so impure in front of the whole world. If you are willing, Carrie, send your contact info by emailing us at and my wife will reply to you.
To the rest of you that think I’m being “judgmental” and harsh, WATCH THE VIDEO.
Patrick J. Burwell
The pictures of her when she was 17 was NOT AT ALL appropriate, considering she was exposing her breast. Carrie never apologized for those photos (she even justified it as just being “undeerwear” photos) and she should not be given any more free press. (I saw the photo as it was splashed on the NYPost website… gosh, thanks for that. I deleted all NYPost links for that affrontery).
Mark my words, she will be exposing even more of herself soon, unless she truly repents, showing she is truly converted.